Kalen DeBoer, Alabama’s New Coach Fires All Longtime Staffers of the Club after Nick Saban Exit

As the Alabama football program ushers in a new era post-Nick Saban, significant alterations are in progress, extending beyond the coaching realm. Notable figures like Jonathan King, the long-serving creative director, and Evan Van Nostrand, the assistant director of player development, are among those not continuing their roles under the leadership of the new head coach, Kalen DeBoer.

During his seven-year tenure as Alabama football’s creative director, King played a pivotal role in molding the program’s visual and creative elements. His influence resulted in Alabama football adopting a distinctive aesthetic closely tied to the program’s success.

Reflecting on the changes, King remarked, “Abrupt endings may bring fear and confusion, but I believe God has something exciting in store. If there’s a new adventure beyond Alabama Football, I can’t wait to see what unfolds!”

Van Nostrand, who held the position of assistant director of player development since 2019, has been associated with Alabama since joining as an assistant strength and conditioning coach in 2016, boasting a decorated career.

As the team gears up for the next chapter in its illustrious history, the decisions made regarding personnel changes are bound to influence the identity and trajectory of Alabama football under DeBoer’s new leadership.

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